How to Make Blogspot (Blogger) Simply and Easily
Daftar Isi
In addition, blogspot is also a platform made by Google, so the features offered are quite a lot.
How to create a blogspot you can do in 2 ways. The first way is to create a blog using a smartphone. While the second way to create a blog using a computer or laptop. Creating a blog whether it's from a smartphone or a laptop is both easy.
1. How to create a blogspot with a smartphone
With advances in technology, even now you can already know how to create a blogspot via a smartphone. Here are the steps you should pay attention to when creating a blog using a smartphone.
1. Download the application. To create a blog via mobile you must first download the blogspot application. The application available for blogspot is You can download it through the Google Play Store or through the App Store.
2. Enter email address. After you have finished downloading, and also installing the application, the next step is to enter an email address to create an account.
3. Sign Up with an email address. Next is to sign up by entering your e-mail address and password that you have.
4. Edit profile. After successfully logging in the application, you can start filling out the existing profile as you wish and also directs it on the profile edit page. Next you can choose to create a new blog.
5. Write the blog address and blog title. After displaying the page for a new blog, you can write the blog address. You must pay attention when filling in the address of this blog, you must write it with a name that has never been used by other users.
6. Click the design template. If you have written down the address and also the title of the blog you can choose a design template that suits your wishes.
After completing the selection, you can start writing blog content on blogspot. Your first blog was ready and ready to be read by others.
2. How to make blogspot with PC or Laptop.
To make blogspot via PC or laptop, you also need to set up an email address using gmail. Here is how to create a blogspot using a PC or laptop that is easy to practice.
1. Open a browser page. The first step is that you need to open the browser page on your PC or laptop then type the address in the website address column.
2. Click create your blog. After the page appears you can click on the create your blog button to start creating a new blog.
3. Create an account with an email. Then you can write your email address and password to create a new account on your blogspot. Even though you created a new account, you don't need to register. Because blogspot also directly connects with existing data on your gmail account.
4. Complete the profile. After logging in to your account you will be directed to fill out a profile on your blog. Even though you are asked to complete a profile, you can fill it out another time.
5. Basic settings on the dashboard. On the profile page, you can go directly to the dashboard to set the initial appearance on the blog that you will create. On this dashboard you can write the title and address of the blog and also the existing theme.
Then click create blog. If you are offered to buy a domain, you can reject it by clicking No Thanks on the screen.
6. Blog post settings. The next step you will go to the dashboard to set up a blog and also write the contents of your blog. Then you can click publish if you have finished writing the contents of the blog.
7. See the results of the post. Finally, if you want to see how your posts appear on the blog, you can click visit the blog or type the address of the blog that you created.
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