What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
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What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
In the fields of marketing and content creation, there is the familiar term Search Engine Optimization (SEO). In line with the increasingly growing use of the internet as a business medium, the need for SEO is also increasing.Seeing these improvements, it is better to know more about SEO. Let's look at the following explanation:
Launch of Moz (5/4/2019), SEO is a practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.
The purpose of SEO is to place a website in the top position, or at least the first page of search results based on certain keywords or targeted keywords. Logically, websites that occupy the top positions in search results have a greater chance of getting visitors.
Most people think that search engines are columns they write on Google or Yahoo, etc. That thinking is not wrong. However, behind that column there are still machines that work to provide information according to the keywords you enter.
Basically, any search engine that you use (Google, Yahoo !, or Bing, etc.) has crawlers that come out and gather information about all the content they can find on the Internet. Crawlers bring all the numbers 1 and 0 back to the search engine to create an index. The index is then entered through an algorithm that tries to match all the data with the query you entered.
SEO practice itself can be divided into two categories, namely on-site and off-site. Maximizing SEO on-site means optimizing the quality of content production and site infrastructure. While off-site SEO, looking for ways to increase the visibility of a web page externally or outside the site in question. One example is getting links from high-ranking sites to your site, thereby increasing your site's ranking on PageRank.
Why Is SEO Important?
Increasingly here digital developments are more sophisticated. Since the existence of search engines like Google, almost everyone is looking for information online through search engines.
From data published by Google, websites that rank first to third-get a cumulative total click of more than 50%. The first rank alone gets more than 20%.
This data shows how important SEO is for websites, especially if you have an online business. By utilizing SEO, you can get thousands to tens of thousands of visitors per day.
Basically, SEO is a part of inbound marketing which is a modern marketing technique in the digital age.